It is now evident that the period of globalisation has been one of increasing inequality, partly manifested in the decline of labour incomes as shares of the national income in many parts of the world. Are these declines inevitable because of current economic tendencies?
It is now evident that the period of globalisation has been one of increasing inequality, partly manifested in the decline of labour incomes as shares of the national income in many parts of the world. Are these declines inevitable because of current economic tendencies?
The past three decades have witnessed significant
increases in inequality of both assets and incomes, particularly within
countries. It is also becoming evident that such inequalities are
socially and politically damaging, in addition to being economically
unjust. Several analysts have linked this to the economic processes
unleashed by capitalist globalisation.
But it should
be noted that this evidence runs counter to the perception that was
widely prevalent among economists in the 20th century, that the long run
process of economic growth first enhances and then reduces tendencies
for greater inequality.
This stemmed from the
argument made by Simon Kuznets in 1955, that inequality would be low at
early stages of development, when societies are mostly agricultural and
per capita incomes are also low. As industry develops, countries
urbanise and economies grow faster, inequalities increase. Then, as
countries develop further, the growing political power of lower income
groups creates pressures to improve their income share and enables the
introduction of broad-based policies for education and social
As a consequence inequality was expected
to move along an inverted u-curve over time, increasing as societies
develop and then decreasing. This would be reflected not only in the
movement of the Gini coefficient (the standard measure of distribution
of personal incomes or household consumption) but also in the functional
distribution of income: the division of income between (broadly) the
remuneration of workers and surplus earnings (consisting of profits,
rent and interest).
It was further supposed that in
richer societies inequality would be relatively stable and less subject
to sudden fluctuations. Indeed, in the developed countries, relatively
stable shares of labour in national income had become accepted as a
“stylised fact” of economic growth. Therefore concern with the
functional distribution of income lagged in academic research.
Increasing inequality
the processes of the past two decades generated rather different
economic tendencies. Increasing inequality has been evident not just in
rapidly growing low-income or middle income countries where the Kuznets
Curve could still be used to justify it, but also in richer countries
that were supposed to display more stable patterns.
countries, the functional or primary distribution of income — the
division of the national income between workers’ wages and salaries on
the one hand and forms of surplus like profits, rent and interest — is
the core driver of economic inequality. (Inequality between wage earners
can also be significant and has also increased in most countries in the
same period.)
This is what drives the secondary
income distribution that results from public action. Even the extent to
which public policies can affect inequality through fiscal and other
measures is obviously crucially dependent upon this primary
Charts 1 to 6 plot the basic changes in
labour shares of income in the world as a whole using data generated by
the UN Global Policy Model. Obviously this model only provides
approximations of the reality, but these are based on historical data up
to 2010 and model projections for the two years thereafter as well as
for some intervening years.
The estimates refer to
share of income from wages and salaries, and the mixed income of
self-employed persons, so they do contain some portion of what could be
called profits especially for countries with high proportions of
Declining wages
For the
world as a whole, as evident from Chart 1, the share of wages and mixed
incomes has been coming down continuously since 1980, and the decline
has been particularly evident in the high income countries in the G20.
Interestingly, the decline is also evident in the developing countries
that are part of G20, although the more recent period suggests a
stagnant trend around a relatively low share. Indeed, the decline in
labour shares in the rich countries is possibly sharper than in the
non-G20 countries that are disproportionately lower income countries.
the developed world, where the income share of wage workers and
self-employed persons has expectedly been much higher, the decline in
this share has been quite marked especially since 2000. Chart 2 shows
this clearly for the United States, and even more so for Japan, whereas
the decline is less evident in Canada. It is worth noting that in
general, the most significant declines in labour shares are observed in
countries where economic strategies have been based on export-led
growth, such as Japan and Germany, but they are also evident in other
large and rich countries.
This emerges from Chart 3,
which shows that within Europe the sharpest falls in labour shares have
been in Germany and in the more export-oriented economies of South and
East Europe, especially in the period before the Euro Zone crisis.
The processes of globalisation of trade and finance that have generated
increasing competitive pressures, and the associated patterns of
technological change that have been labour-saving in nature, are
generally accepted to explain the reduced bargaining power of workers in
all of these societies, and the consequent decline in wage shares of
income as well as greater instability of work. However, these shifts
cannot be ascribed purely to economic forces, since domestic social and
political forces and policies also play important roles. In these
developed industrial countries, the pressures of globalisation have not
been counteracted by domestic measures that would protect and/or improve
the incomes of workers; instead, it has often appeared that policies
have been oriented in the opposite direction.
Global capitalism
pattern in East Asia (Chart 4) confirms that broader forces of global
capitalism are only partly responsible for distributional trends within
countries. The share of wages and self-employed incomes has fallen quite
sharply and dramatically in China and East Asia generally.
decline has been particularly sharp in the past decade for China and
other high income East Asian countries (such as South Korea and
Malaysia) and the trend was evident even before the global financial
crisis. The emphasis on export orientation clearly played a role in this
decline, but it was not the only factor.
Chart 5
shows how the low income countries of Africa showed quite a precipitous
fall in the income shares of workers over the 1980s, the period when
policies of structural adjustment and fiscal repression in Africa were
wreaking enormous damage on employment and living conditions.
decline continued in the 1990s, though it was less extreme. In North
Africa, the pattern has been reversed, however, with rising labour
shares in the 1990s and declines thereafter. But in the 2000s, wage
shares have improved, reflecting not just the improved external and
macroeconomic conditions stemming from the global commodity boom, but
also different and less rigid combinations of domestic policies. In
South Africa, however, the end of the apartheid regime has not been
associated with any improvement in the share of workers’ incomes, which
continued to decline and in 2010 did not even reach the levels achieved
30 years earlier.
So what does this suggest about
whether in the period of globalisation, falling wage shares and shares
of income of self-employed workers in the national income are
inevitable? Certainly the tendencies under globalisation towards
aggressive global competition and more rapid diffusion of labour-saving
technological change, make for powerful forces that reduce the
bargaining power of workers everywhere. This means that wage increases
do not keep pace with productivity growth in most economies, and so wage
shares have declined even when real wages have increased.
the interesting point is that this pattern has not been the same
everywhere. Some exceptions to the rule in different parts of the world
have already been noted. But the region that seems to have bucked the
trend most convincingly is Latin America, which has experienced both an
improvement in income inequality as measured by Gini coefficients as
well as an improvement in labour shares of income in the 2000s.
Bucking the trend
shown in Chart 6, in recent years the South American region has shown a
remarkably different pattern from much of the rest of the world.
region experienced sharply declining wage shares during the “lost
decade” of the 1980s, when policies of structural adjustment and fiscal
repression were associated with significant increases in unemployment
and informal work and declining power of workers’ unions. In most
countries of South America this continued into the 1990s when standard
mainstream policies were still very much the norm.
thereafter Brazil and Argentina have shown that it is possible to have
sharp increases in wage share even in a very globalised world — and
incidentally this is also true of several other countries in South
America (such as Ecuador and Venezuela).
Argentina, labour income shares plummeted in the 1990s. The recovery in
labour income shares after the Argentine crisis of 2001-2002 has been
significant and rapid, but it still has not managed to bring the wage
share back to levels of the early 1990s. In Brazil, by contrast, the
wage share declined more moderately in the 1990s, and thereafter the
increase has taken it to levels higher than even before the lost decade.
how could countries in Latin America buck the global trend for
declining labour incomes shares even though this is a heavily globalised
region? Some direct factors that are commonly noted are declines in the
earnings gap between skilled and unskilled workers, in part due to the
expansion of education and increase in government transfers to the poor.
But these were possibly secondary factors to the more significant role
of social welfare reforms, employment programmes, public spending, as
well as taxation on commodity export revenues.
increase in public spending was itself the result of a shift in the
economic policy model in the region that was driven by political changes
in many countries, which created more social consensus that the State
should serve as the engine of development, provide social welfare and be
responsible for public utilities, education, including university
education, healthcare and pensions. All of these were reflected in
macroeconomic policies, taxation strategies, labour market and social
protection policies, and increases in social assistance.
the conclusion must be that — while globalisation certainly unleashes
forces that reduce labour’s relative power and tends to reduce labour
shares of national income — this outcome is not inevitable. It can be
countered by progressive economic policies that work actively to shift
both the growth strategy and current public fiscal policies in favour of
workers (including both wage workers and the self-employed). In a world
in which economic inequalities are becoming a matter of increasing
political concern, this lesson is absolutely critical.
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