T. T. Ram Mohan
“The ideas of economists,” John Maynard Keynes famously
wrote, “… are more powerful than is commonly understood. Indeed the
world is ruled by little else.” He might have added that the ideas of
economists can often be dangerous. Policies framed on the basis of the
prevailing or dominant economic wisdom have often gone awry and the
wisdom was later found to rest on shaky foundations.
striking case in point is the debate on austerity in the Eurozone as an
answer to rising public debt and faltering economic growth. One school
has long argued that the way to reduce debt and raise the growth rate is
through austerity, that is, steep cuts in public spending (and, in some
cases, higher taxes). This school received a mighty boost from a paper
published in 2010 by two economists, Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff
(RR). The paper is now at the centre of a roaring controversy amongst
The RR paper showed that there is a
correlation between an economy’s debt to GDP ratio. As the ratio rises
from one range to another, growth falls. Once the debt to GDP ratio
rises beyond 90 per cent, growth falls sharply to -0.1 per cent. For
some economists and also for policymakers in the Eurozone, this last
finding provided an ‘aha’ moment.
Cuts in spending
public debt was clearly identified as the culprit, it needed to be
brought down through cuts in spending. The IMF pushed this line in the
bail-out packages it worked out for Greece and Portugal among others.
The U.K. chose to become an exemplar of austerity of its own accord.
now turns out that there was a computational error in the RR paper.
Three economists at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst have
produced a paper that shows that the effect of rising public debt is
nowhere as drastic as RR made it out to be. At a debt to GDP ratio of 90
per cent, growth declines from an average of 3.2 per cent to 2.2 per
cent, not from 2.8 per cent to -0.1 per cent, as RR had contended.
could say that even the revised estimates show that growth does fall
with rising GDP. However, as many commentators have pointed out,
correlation is not causation. We cannot conclude from the data that high
debt to GDP ratios are the cause of low growth. It could well be the
other way round, namely, that low growth results in a high debt to GDP
There is a broad range of experience that
suggests that high debt to GDP ratios are often self-correcting. Both
the U.S. and the U.K. emerged from the Second World War with high debt
to GDP ratios. These ratios fell as growth accelerated in the post-war
years. India’s own debt to GDP ratio kept rising through the second half
of the 1990s and the early noughties. As growth accelerated on the back
of a global boom, the ratio fell sharply. The decline in the ratio did
not happen because of expenditure compression, which the international
agencies and some of our own economists had long urged.
Needed, rethink
controversy over the RR paper should prompt serious rethinking on
austerity in the Eurozone. Many economists have long argued that the
sort of austerity that has been imposed on some of the Eurozone
economies or that the U.K. has chosen to practise cannot deliver higher
growth in the near future. It only condemns the people of those
economies to a long period of pain.
The IMF itself
has undergone a major conversion on this issue and is now pressing the
U.K. to change course on austerity. Its chief economist, Olivier
Blanchard, went so far as to warn that the U.K. Chancellor, George
Osborne, was “playing with fire.” The IMF’s conversion came about late
last year when it acknowledged that its own estimates of a crucial
variable, the fiscal multiplier, had been incorrect. In its World Economic Outlook
report published last October, the IMF included a box on the fiscal
multiplier, which is the impact on output of a cut or increase in public
spending (or an increase or reduction in taxes). The smaller the
multiplier, the less costly, in terms of lost output, is fiscal
consolidation. The IMF had earlier assumed a multiplier for 28 advanced
economies of around 0.5. This would mean that for any cut in public
spending of X, the impact on output would be less than X, so the debt to
GDP ratio would fall.
Revised estimate
IMF now disclosed that, since the sub-prime crisis, the fiscal
multipliers had been higher — in the range of 0.9 to 1.7. The revised
estimate for the multiplier meant that fiscal consolidation would cause
the debt to GDP ratio to rise — exactly the opposite of what
policymakers in the Eurozone had blithely assumed. The people of
Eurozone economies that have seen GDP shrink and unemployment soar are
unlikely to be amused by the belated dawning of wisdom at the IMF.
This is not the first time the IMF has made a volte face
on an important matter of economic policy. Before the East Asian crisis
and for several years thereafter, the IMF was a strong votary of free
flows of capital. During the East Asian crisis, many economists had
pointed out that the case for free flows of capital position lacked a
strong economic foundation, unlike the case for free trade. This did not
prevent the IMF from peddling its prescription to the developing world.
India and China refused to go along.
In 2010, the
IMF discarded its hostility to capital controls. It said that countries
would be justified in responding to temporary surges in capital flows. A
year later, it took the position that countries would be justified in
responding to capital surges of a permanent nature as well. Last
December, it came out with a paper that declared that there was “no
presumption that full liberalisation is an appropriate goal for all
countries at all times.” The IMF’s realisation was a little late in the
day for the East Asian economies and others whose banking systems have
been disrupted by volatile capital flows.
account convertibility is one instance of a fad in policy catching on
even when it lacked a strong economic foundation. Another is
privatisation, for which Margaret Thatcher has been eulogised in recent
weeks. Thatcher’s leap into privatisation in the U.K. was driven by her
conviction that the state needed to be pushed back. After privatisation
became something of a wave, economists sought to find theoretical and
empirical grounds for it and initially came out overwhelmingly in
Graduated approach
It took major
mishaps in privatisation in places such as Russia and Eastern Europe for
the conclusions to become rather more nuanced. Privatisation works in
some countries, in some industries, and under conditions in which law
and order, financial markets and corporate governance are sound.
Moreover, partial privatisation — or what is called disinvestment — can
be as effective as full privatisation. As in the case of capital account
convertibility, India’s graduated approach to liberalisation has been
vindicated. It is, perhaps, no coincidence that the fastest growing
economies in the world until recently, China and India, did not embrace
the conventional wisdom on privatisation.
Other fads
have fallen by the wayside or are seen as less than infallible since the
sub-prime crisis, and these relate to the financial sector.
‘Principles-based’ regulation is superior to ‘rule-based’ regulation.
The central bank must confine itself to monetary policy and regulatory
powers must be vested in a separate authority. Monetary policy must
focus on inflation alone and must not worry about asset bubbles and
financial stability. One can add to this list.
lessons for policymaking can we derive from the changes in fashion
amongst economists? Certainly, one is that politicians and policymakers
must beware the nostrums of economists, and they must not fall for the
economic fad of the day. Economic policies must always be subject to
democratic processes and be responsive to the aspirations of people.
Broad acceptability in the electorate must be the touchstone of economic
policies. Another important lesson is that gradualism is preferable to
‘big bang’ reforms.
India’s attempts at
liberalisation, one would venture to suggest, have conformed to these
principles better than many attempted elsewhere. Such an approach can
mean frustrating delays in decision-making and the results may be slow
in coming. However, social turbulence is avoided, as are nasty
surprises, in economic outcomes. At the end of the day, economic
performance turns out to be more enduring.
(The author is a professor at IIM Ahmedabad)
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